Monday, September 15, 2008

1st Book!

Annika has reached a new milestone in her life! She finished her first book from front to back with no help! She is very excited and likes to read this same book multiple times a day. I am pretty sure we all have it memorized by now. Yeah Annika!


Arik and I got a chance to catch up with Mike and Joni this weekend. Riley has gotten so big and I can't believe how much he is talking. It was fun to see Riley run at the park. Having three little girls, it is fun to see how "boys" play. Riley is definitely all boy! Good to see you guys and can't wait to get together again soon!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How Cute is Yztel!

Rosario and I got our workout trying to keep up with her two year old, Yztel. I haven't met a two year old with so much caracter since Cambelle. She was a blast to take pictures for. Too Cute!

Meet Nolan!

We got a chance to ooh an awh over new baby, Nolan Mullanbach. It was so good to catch up with Dylan and Angie too. Congrats guys!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Play date with the Follands

Long time friend Bethany was down from Helma, MN. We got a chance to catch up and see each others growing families. Jazzlyn, Isaac and McKinley. The kids had a blast at Oxbow, seeing all the animals.

Monday, September 1, 2008

How Cute!

My new favorite pic's. Although I guess I am pretty partial! Meet Amy, Asa and Angie. Andy, my brother, was unable to make it for the family pic's. But we will be tagging him down for the next one's.

Meet the Haukoms

I had so much fun meeting Vern and Ilene. They were a picture of "True Love." Thanks for having me over Missy.