Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pretty picture of Cambelle sleeping. 1/2008

Monday, January 28, 2008

Trip to Buffalo.

Uncle Dylan and Aunt Angie spoiled the girls with a trip to Space Aliens. How much did it cost to win those green aliens, Uncle Dylan?????????

Good to see you guys and we can't wait to get together again, soon!

Love you guys!

Wiped out

Cambelle's imitation of Joe Dirt!

Sick of the Cold!

Happy February to all! Not much is new around here, just trying to stay warm. Cambelle continues to make strides on the potty. She is now wearing underwear all day and telling us when she needs to go potty. Yeah, Cambelle! She is still not to sure about the # 2. So, she ends up holding it until the end of the day when we put her diaper on. She is talking more and more every day. Her newest saying is....Ohhh man!
I had Annika's last school conference. She is doing great! She needs to work on sounding out her words but is a good student with lots of friends. It was nice to know she is doing well. She is already excited for her birthday party and plans it regularly. She continues to do well in gymnastics and has fun learning new techniques. Her winter program is February 28th at 7p.m. for anyone attending, it is at the Byron Elementry School.
We hope everyone has a great Valentines and is staying warm.

Happy Birthday to Emily Lorenz on the 4th and to Danielle on the 25th.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Smith cousins 2007

Bucca's 2008

Enjoying our new found love.......Lambrusco! After navigating our way to the United Noodle, we were able to engorge ourselves with great food and wine at Buca's.
Happy Anniversary Guthrie and Jewlz!
What's our excuse next month?!

Fall 2007