Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring here yet?

Happy April to everyone,
Not much new in the Johnson household. Annika found out she has to have her tonsils out in June due to her increase snoring and apnea. She is very nervous about the IV and the pain. But we are happy she is getting this taken care of now rather than later in life when there seems to be an increase in problems. Also, (please don't feel like you have to attend) we will be going out to eat at Hunans for Annika's birthday on the 24th. We will be driving there after her gymnastics, at around 6:45. Come join us if you have time.

Arik finished working on the new Broadstreet Cafe which is now open and called "300 First". We got to enjoy free food for a V.I.P. night. They have awesome kolby beef burgers and a relaxing warm atmosphere if anyone is in Rochester. It's cool to see some of his work and see who he all works with.

Hope everyone is crossing their fingers for spring. Rain, Rain, go away......

P.S. I am taking a photography class through community ed................ Yeah, "Pretty sure I better not quit my day job." Check out some of the pics and let me know what you think............. Our teacher said, "It's o.k. to cut off the heads."

Happy belated birthday to Deb on the first- April fools
Alyssa on the 4th
Gordy on the 12th
Janet Pitzen on the 13th
Donna Skrukrud on the 14th
John Lorenz on the 21st
Wayne and Annika on the 24th

Also, Congrats to the upcoming MaMa's to be..........Angie and Chad Luscomb, Melissa and Chad Swenson and Shannon and Chad Apple

Big Congrats to my brother and his wife; Andy and Angie on becoming the Ambassadors for the March of Dimes walk on 4/19.

Tayha's first communion

Tuesday, April 1, 2008